Culture Stream
Cultural Intelligence for Organisations
Bespoke workshops designed to suit your needs. Choose from our array of cross-cultural capability or leadership topics. RedHead Communications works with clients to achieve sustainable outcomes and practical implementation. Workshops include practical action-based learning, with case studies and collaborative activities, to grow the cultural capability of your team.
Do our CQ assessment and measure your individual capabilities for working and relating across cultures (including domestic diversity). This includes a personalised, 28-page feedback report on each participant’s cultural values, as well as a developmental plan for improving relations and expanding cultural intelligence.

Our Workshops:
Communicating with Different Cultures
Confusion about what is culturally appropriate can lead to awkward, embarrassing or even career damaging moments. This workshop focuses on behaviour and actions in a diverse cultural environment. It looks at how to manage people of diverse age, belief systems, working styles, gender, interests, learning styles and different cultural backgrounds. Analyse the effectiveness of current communication styles and identify improved methods. Investigate workplace culture, build on value structure and develop cultural capabilities.
10 Cultural Values You Deal with Daily
Culture is a shared pattern of beliefs, including values, yet we all come from different perspectives and norms. Learn how to recognise different values and behavioural patterns and adjust your communication style to create better outcomes and build strong collaborative relations.
Cultivate Cross-Cultural Skills – Ethnic and Organisational
In our globally diverse workplace, more than just emotional intelligence is needed to lead. Understand how perceptions of different cultures shape interactions with others. Design strategies and create action plans to improve your Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and the culture of your organisation.
Identify your weaknesses and strengths and understand how your perception of culture shapes your interactions. Come up with strategies and action plans to improve your CQ and improve the culture of your organisation.
*Includes a Cultural Assessment of your own CQ and a detailed feedback report.
Building Diverse and Inclusive Workplaces
All people hold natural biases and make decisions accordingly. Discover strategies to break the habit of implementing unconscious bias in this workshop. Examine how your implicit attitudes and stereotypes result in subtle prejudice and undermine your ability to foster inclusive relationships and cohesive teams. Find ways to reduce bias and discover how this improves diversity and inclusion in the workplace.